Gary Moore
39 Daffodil Dr
Loudon, NH 03307
Cell Phone: 978 888 1226
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.myevensong.com
EDUCATION Sabbatical studies: Cambridge, UK 2004
Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, M.Div., 1974
Arizona State University, B.A. (history), 1972
Ordination: Conservative Congregational Christian Conference USA
• Strength in the pulpit
• Get along well with people
• A heart for discipleship, evangelism and pastoral care
• A good teacher and motivator
• An ability to raise up and develop leaders
• Gifts in counseling
• Have successful track record as a pastor of medium-sized congregations (350 - 450)
• Experience in resolution of difficult church situations
Interim Pastoral Ministry & Pulpit Supply 2012 - Present
A number of regional churches have requested my services as a regular pulpit supply or sought me out for consultation in their transitional period as an adivsor or short term interim pastor. Among those churches are Grace Community Church in Marblehead MA, the First Congregational Church of Woodstock VT and Mount Pleasant Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Bridgeton ME.
Grace Community Church 2011 - 2013
Grace Community Church is a small but exceptionally talented fellowship located in Marblehead MA. After the retirement of their pastor with a thirty-one year history, the elders brought me on board as an Intentional Interim Pastor to help the church refocus the church's vision and transistion them to the next phase of their ministry. The two of the letters of reference posted on this website will outline some of the particulars of my ministry at GCC.
Immanuel Church, Chelmsford MA 1987 – 2008
Immanuel is located in a secular region of the country. Many churches struggle to maintain a viable witness within an intellectually skeptical environment. At Immanuel we responded to this postmodern indifference by developing a strong theological basis for all aspects of our ministry, starting with a commitment to joyful worship and theologically sound preaching. We maintained a very thorough adult educational ministry, which included a vital women's ministry, small groups, and men’s study groups. Training and discipleship is a core value for leadership development at Immanuel. The church’s organizational structure is built upon the principle of Ministry Teams. These teams form a foundation for a wide variety of ministry endeavors. A mission statement and principles of ministry drive the ministries at Immanuel. The church is committed to winning people to Christ, building them in their faith, and equipping them for ministry. In 2004 the church completed a 22,000 square foot addition to its existing facility.
Homewood EFC, Moline, IL 1985 – 1986
Homewood, at the time of my hiring, was struggling with an administrative board of 35 men and women and was experiencing severe moral and spiritual conflict. During my brief tenure I helped the church work through these moral and administrative difficulties and assisted them in restructuring and refocusing their ministry.
Bethany Baptist Church, Boulder City, NV 1978 – 1985
Bethany Baptist Church provided me an opportunity to assist a hurting church through a time of healing and lead them through a period of reorganization and outreach. I gained experience as a senior pastor while assisting the church in becoming a viable center for worship and ministry. We built and paid for a 5000 square foot multipurpose building during my tenure.
U.S. Naval Reserve Chaplain 1981 - 1998
I am a retired Naval Reserve Chaplain. I served as a chaplain (Commander) for a variety of commands: including four years with the Marine Corps 25th Regiment and three years as the senior supervisory chaplain for REDCOMONE (New England/New York). Among other things, I lectured on leadership for the Marines.
Health: Excellent
Married: Linda Quackenbush 1969
Children: Three adult daughters
Reading, hiking (with my dog), photography, music
REFERENCES: A several letters of reference are available on this website. Additional references may be furnished upon request.