On the menu navigation in this section of my website you will find short essays or published sermon notes dealing primarily with Biblical and theological topics; some of these commentaries are more esoteric than others. It is unlikely that all these notes will be of interest or profitable to everyone, but hopefully each entry will find its way to someone who may find it a benefit. As I continue to develop this site I will try to refine the material in a more orderly arrangement. I trust the subject headings and subheadings will guide the reader who stumbles onto the page to material that will best service his or her need.
The essays and sermon notes are, for the most part, arranged thematically; for example, I have a series short essays on the post-resurrection narrative of Jesus and another on the unity of the body of Christ based on Romans 12.1 - 15.21. There is an additional section of unclassified writings that I have labeled "Second Thoughts;" These include essays like the "Decretive Will of God and Secondary Causality." As time permits I will expand the breadth of subjects listed under essays and sermons. Two further notes: first, only the sermon notes in the section on "Paul's Application of Justification by Faith" (Romans 12.1-15.21) have an attached audio files; second, here is a link to videos of sermons preached at the First Congregational Church Woodstock VT. |